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General Knowledge on General Science | GK Test on General Science Page 16
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General Knowledge on General Science

(Click on suggested Options to select the answer | Color Red means : Wrong & Green Means: Correct)

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151. Which one of the following is used in the preparation of antiseptic solution?
152. Many communities put salt on their roads after a snowfall Why?
  • A. To enhance the freezing and hardening snow
  • B. To control the slipping of vehicles
  • C. To keep the melted snow from refreezing
  • D. None of the above
  • Check Answer | Discussion
153. The scent sprayer is based on
154. Two boats are moving in same direction in a river. What is the best condition so that the move parallel in the same direction ?
  • A. They should move parallel
  • B. They should slightly bend to each other
  • C. They should move away from each other
  • D. It is not possible
  • Check Answer | Discussion
155. What is the function of a microphone ?
  • A. Convert sound signals to electric signals
  • B. Convert electric signals to sound signals
  • C. Convert sound signals to electromagnetic waves
  • D. None of the above
  • Check Answer | Discussion
156. The red colour of red soil is due to the rusting of
157. Which one among the following atmospheric gases, filters out most of the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun?
158. Atropine used for the dilation of eyes pupil in eye testing is obtained from
159. Which of the following bacteria is found in nodules of family Leguminosae?
160. What is the purpose of adding baking soda to dough?

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