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General Knowledge on General Topics | GK Test on General Topics Page 78
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(Click on suggested Options to select the answer | Color Red means : Wrong & Green Means: Correct)

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771. Which one of the following rivers has its source outside the India territory?
772. Which one of the following lakes in India has the highest water salinity?
773. Which one of the following countries have largest number of living languages?
774. Which term is used to describe the spread of Buddhism from India through South-East Asia?
775. The term'Aryans' denotes
776. Which one of the following forms of dance is Shobhna Narayan known for?
777. Which one of the following is not a part of Hindustani Music?
778. What is the number of the permanent members of the UN Security Council ?
779. From which plant listed below the maximum amount of ethanol for biofuel is obtained?
780. Which one of the following is a secretion from the body of an insect?

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