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General Knowledge on General Topics | GK Test on General Topics Page 105
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1041. Megasthenese states that Indian society was divided into seven classes, namely, philosophers, farmers, herdsmen, artisans, soldiers, overseers and councilors. This division was based on what consideration ?
1042. The 'Arthasastra' is a treatise on which one of the following ?
1043. Milindapanho is in the form of a dialogue between the king Menander and the buddhist monk
1044. In the Mahayana Buddhism, the Bodhisatva Avalokitesvar was also known as
1045. Harppan weapon were made of
1046. Which one of the following was not cultivated in the Harappa Civilisation ?
1047. A piece of woven cotton has been recovered from which one of the following Harappa sites ?
1048. Which one of the following sities is the largest Mesolithic site in India ?
1049. Which one of the following animals was not reoresented on the seal and terracota art of the Harappan Culture ?
1050. Which one of the following crops production has been exceeding target since 2004-05 in India,but its growers have been committing suicide in large numbers in many parts of the country every year ?

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