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General Knowledge on Inventions | GK Test on Inventions Page 22
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General Knowledge on Inventions

(Click on suggested Options to select the answer | Color Red means : Wrong & Green Means: Correct)

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211. Which year first machine gun named 'Maxim Gun' was invented by American inventor Hiram Stevens Maxim in-
212. Which year was invented and manufacture by William's Carrier in world's first mechanical air conditioner? 
213. Who was designed in Microcomputer MITS Altair 8800? 
214. Who are inventions of Mail order cataloging, flexible urinary catheter, first pair of bifocals, wooden swim fins, lighting attractor and musical instrument 'Armonica? 
215. Who was invented in Hydraulic fracturing technology? 
216. Bobbili veena, also known as Saraswathi Veena or the Ekanda Veena, is a large plucked string instrument used in Carnatic classical music. It is made from which of the following trees?
217. Which IIT institute has invented a low-cost dirt detector that alerts authorities when a place needs cleaning?
218. ISRO has successfully launched GSAT-19 communication satellite through which launch vehicle?
219. Which country has successfully test fired naval strike ballistic missile “Hormuz 2”?
220. India’s first multi-modal electric vehicle project has launched in which city?  

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