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General Knowledge on Indian History | GK Test on Indian History Page 44
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General Knowledge on Indian History

(Click on suggested Options to select the answer | Color Red means : Wrong & Green Means: Correct)

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431. Harappan agricultural economy was mainly based on
432. From which one of the following Mesolithic sotes charred and corbonised grains of wild rice embedded in the burnt clay remains of wattle and daub walls of huts, has been discovered?
433. The Asiatic Society was established in Calcutta by
434. Which of the following gave the town Masulipatnam to the French?
435. Who among the following concluded the treaty of Srirangapatnam with Tipu Sultan?
436. The teaty of Bassein was signed with the British by Peshwa
437. Purana Qila was constructed during the reign of
438. The Mughal painting reached its zenith during the reign of
439. Who among the following, destroyed the group of Forty Nobles?
440. The first Muslim ruler in India was

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