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181. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
- A. Baz Bahadur of malwa danced in the company of females imagining himself as Krishna dancing with the Gopis in Vrindavan
- B. Husain Shah Sharqi of Jaunpur was a noted musician and is said to have invented the Khayal from
- C. Muslim subjects of Ibrahim Adil Shah II of Bijapur described him as Jagadguru
- D. All of the above
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182. Which of the following was not a contribution of the Bhakti Movement?
- A. It made a dent on the rigidity of the caste system
- B. It succeeded in uniting the Hindus and the Muslims
- C. It succeeccfully attacked some of the deep-rooted superstitions of the masses
- D. It provide a simple and inexpensive religion for the people
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183. Which of the following programmes of the Arya Samaj contributed to the growth of communalism in India?
- A. Propagation of western education and teaching of sciences
- B. The suddhi movement
- C. Eradication of untouchability
- D. Spread of education among women
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184. Lord Dalhousie planned for the construction of a network of railways in India in order to
- A. Provide a profitable channel of investment for British capital
- B. Easily procure and export raw materials from the interiors of India for export
- C. provide cheap and easy means of transport in India
- D. Both 'b' and 'c'
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185. In 1856, Awadh would not have been annexe with the British Empire if the Nawab of Awadh had
- A. a natural heir
- B. fought against the British
- C. not refused to introduce reforms as suggested by the British
- D. allied with the British
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186. Prior to 1813, which among the following measures, was not adopted by the British to exploit the Indians economically?
- A. Elimination of Indian traders from competition by every means
- B. Free trade policy
- C. Forcing Indian craftsman to produce quality products in fixed quantity and at fixed price
- D. Monopolizing the trade of raw goods wherever possible and selling them at high rates
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187. What was the purpose with which Sir William Wedderburn and WS Caine had set up the Indian Parliamentary Committee in 1893?
- A. To agitate for the entry of eminent Indians into the British Parliament
- B. To facilitate a dis cussio on India's Independence in the British Parliaments
- C. To campaign for the entry of Indians into the Imperial Judiciary
- D. To agitate for Indian political reforms in the House of Commons
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188. Jotiba Phule's fame lies in the fact that he
- A. was the greatest champion of the lower castes in Maharashtra
- B. fought for the uplift and education of the lower castes
- C. challenged the supremacy of the Brahmins
- D. All of the above
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189. Several socio-political organisations were formed in the19th and 20th centuries in india, Anjuman-e-Khawatin-e-Islam, founded in the year 1914 was.
- A. All India Islamic's Conference
- B. All India Muslim Student's Conference
- C. A radical wing of the All India Muslim League
- D. All India Muslim Ladies Conference
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190. Why did Bombay and Madras fail to rise up in revolt like the Northern Provinces?
- A. they were at a great distance from the seat of British administration (Calcutta)
- B. They had more tolerant and enlightened administrators
- C. They were comparatively free from annexations and confiscations
- D. The ryotwari settlement had denuded them of necessary leadership
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