Current Affairs 2025
General News
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What is the name of the American Express bank president, who died suddenly after falling ill on a flight to New York on 29 May 2015?: Ed Gilligan
Explanation: Ed Gilligan was working as the President of American Express since 2013. He was onboard a corporate plane and was coming back to New York from a business trip. Gilligan at the age of 55 years had worked on every area of......
As many as 489 old coins of copper have been found on 27 May 2015 in which location in India, which are believed to be linked to the Mauryan dynasty?: Naurgangabad village of Bhiwani district
Explanation: The coins were kept in utensil made of an earthen which was found broken. A portion of the village land has already been declared as protected site by the ASI. Earlier, the surface.....
Government on 28 May 2015 appointed new DRDO chief, after missile scientist Avinash Chander was unceremoniously sacked as DRDO chief. What is the name of new DRDO chief? S Christopher
Explanation: Christopher, who has the 'Distinguished Scientist' rank, is the director of the Centre for Air-Borne Systems in the DRDO. Along with him, government also appoints G S Reddy...
Which state cabinet on 27 May 2015 withdrew the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) in a state cabinet meeting?: Tripura (Agartala)
Explanation: AFSPA was promulgated in the state on February 16, 1997, owing to the relentless violence and bloodshed during the period. Following the provisions of the Act, it was reviewed and extended every six months for the past 18......
On 26 May 2015, stepping ahead towards closer to another housing boom, the Union urban development ministry notified operational guidelines for implementing of which Policy?: Land pooling policy
Explanation: The policy itself was notified one-and-a-half years ago and its implementation will help Delhi Development Authority (DDA) obtain land for housing without getting mired in the......
In one of the latest breakthrough in Black money, Switzerland on 25 May 2015 discloses names of two Indians. What are their names?: Sneh Lata Sawhney and Sangita Sawhney
Explanation: Making public these names, the Swiss federal tax administration (FTA) has asked the two Indians to file an appeal within 30 days before the federal administrative court if they do not want their details.....
Nobel prize-winning US mathematician, who inspired the film "A Beautiful Mind," was killed with his wife in New Jersey in a car crash. What si the name of the mathematician?: John Nash
Explanation: According to Police, Nash, 86, and his 82-year-old wife Alicia were riding in a taxi on 23 May 2015 when the accident took place. The Princeton University and Massachusetts......
Who was appointed Honorary Ambassador of Foreign Investment Promotion for Korea on 22 May 2015 at a ceremony held at Mumbai. He is also a top executive of Indian automobile company?: Pawan Goenka from Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M)
Explanation: Pawan Goenka honorary Ambassador for Korea, will promote economic ties between India and Korea and advise......
What is the name given to India’s first space observatory which has been developed at ISRO’s Satellite Centre in Bangalore that has tentative launch date in October 2015?: AstroSat
Explanation: AstroSat is a 1,650-kg spacecraft that would orbit Earth equatorially at 650 km and study distant stars, galaxies, black holes and other cosmic objects. The final success will put.....
On 18 May 2015, which Indian stock exchange announced the introduction of the first-of-its-kind Overnight Liquid Fund product which will provide the facility to invest even for a single night in liquid funds?: BSE
Explanation: India’s leading stock exchange BSE announced the introduction of an Overnight Liquid Fund product on the Exchange’s Mutual Fund platform, BSE StAR.....
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